Thursday 9 June 2011



Balance - The images are well balanced with the text and they work together as one piece of artwork.

Rhythm - I like what he has done with the rubbish fonts.  He has taken the idea of the word rubbish and put the letters inside trash bags. The text and font also look good. I also like the cd cover, it shows what it represents which is a space theme and extra terrestrial, with a moon and nice glowing effetcs.  This person however does not have a line is a dot that went for a walk work.

Proportion - The cd cover is well viewed with good dimensions, and works well with what it displays and the meaning behind it.

Dominance: There is no line dot work for me to comment on. The cd cover wins in dominance over the rubbish fonts as I love the effects, and how this person has taken the E.T into a lot of consideration.

Unity - They both have relationship between the individual part because they differ by style, effects, and elements.


Closure: In my opinion, there is nothing missing in composition

Continuance -  The eye looks at the effects such as the glow and shadows before anything else as they stand out in the artwork and give it meaning

Similarity -  The cd cover has similarities in relation to the planets and are created in different sizes, colour, brightness and effect.

Proximity -  mainly looking at the cd cover, there are many items that have a relationship with each other, which make it work well and give it meaning.

Alignment -  All assignments are aligned very nicely without any error. This is also shown in the rubbish font where they are positioned repeatedly above and below

Question 2

Yes, I believe it is informal because it displays different types of design such as such as skill and technique

Question 3

The only thing I could comment on that might neet improvement is the rubbish fonts, I believe a bit more work could have been put into it in terms of different types of effects and style. 

Question 4 

Strengths:  This person definitely displayed his use of skill and technique in both assignments, especially in the cd cover which I especially like.  The use of colour, effect, positioning etc were put into work well.

Weaknesses:   I believe more use of effects could have been used in the rubbish fonts, it looks a little too plain.

Opportunity:  Didn't understand this question.

Threats:  I can't really see any threats with the cd cover, I think it was well done. As I said above, the rubbish fonts could be improved on as it looks a bit plain and could be a potential threat to other peoples work.

Design brief

To create a mobile map -
Melbourne, Australia's Entertainment capital

Time frame - This project is intended to be completed within 4 weeks
Aim - Melbourne is one of Australia's top tourist locations.  Melbourne is known as being the entertainment capital of Australia.  We have restaurants and bars, galleries, boutiques, cinemas and music venues, blockbuster exhibition openings, arts festivals, sporting spectacles, cultural exhibitions award-winning stage shows, and we are also well known for our sport.

We want to provide tourists with a map where they can easily find their way through Melbourne, and look at what we have to offer.

Target audience - This map can be used for people aged between 14 and above

The map is to be created something similar to this image.  As you can see, its not all crunched up with street names all over the place. It has nice big images and text that stand out which makes it easier to read and understand, especially for senior tourists who may find it difficult finding their way around.
There will also be a legend provided, where tourists can locate other essential needs, including transportation, rest rooms, parking, information kiosks and help desks etc.

Social conscience

This work is very simple, but I believe it shows a lot of meaning and really gets the message out on what it means and represents.  The first image shows a picture of a person throwing racism in the trash.  It represents that racism is not accepted, and everybody should be treated equally, no matter where someone comes from. It also has text of the first part of a quote by Martin Luther King Jr.

The second image is a picture of Martin Luther King Jr, which I traced his image and edited. It also has the second part of the quote which he said.  The quote means Which means that our life has no meaning unless we raise our voices against what wrongs are happening in the world. Racism is taught, and needs to be put to rest.
There is no intended target audience for this piece of work.  It is for everybody of all ages, especially for children because racism is taught, and must not be taught to children.


Thursday 31 March 2011

My album cover

I took these images myself. Front cover is from a car show which I took. Back cover is from a mates car that I took.

Sunday 6 March 2011

Toast in toaster

Duplicated image of toast, cut them in half, rotated, distorted and skewed toast to fit in into the toaster....tada!